Discover Your
Dream Property
with Tukki

  • 16K

    Active users

  • 9K

    Property Sales

  • 12K



Buy your dream
property with Tukki


Rent the property of
your dreams!


Sell your property in

Easy step to use the service

Download and register

First, you can download app in playstore or appstore, After that you can create an account in the application.

Chose your property

Seccond, choose your dream property, make sure you are suitable on the property etc.

Book your choises

Third, you should book your property, after you click booking button we will direct you to payment page.

Payment in app

Finally, you can make payment on the application to book the property of your choice.

Get your property very easly

You can download app in playstore or appstore, After that you can create an account in the application.

What Our People Are Saying

Manage your property with ease and get instant alert about responses